The group saw growth in net sales of most of its business segments, except in its condominium business, and environment and energy business which saw a decrease in net sales.
The sponsor of Daiwa House Logistics Trust Dhlu
, Dhlu
Daiwa House Industry (DHI) has reported a net income for the 9MFY2025 ended Dec 31, 2024 of 236,832 million yen, a 9.5% y-o-y increase from the same period a year ago.
DHI has reported net sales of 3,950,295 million yen, a 5.2% y-o-y increase for the 1HFY2025.
For the reporting period, DHI reported an operating income of 357,224 million yen, up 25.4% y-o-y, while ordinary income grew 22.7% y-o-y to 340,315 million yen.
DHI reported a basic net income per share of 372.48 yen.
As at Dec 31, 2024, the total assets held by the company amounted to 6,955,702 million yen, and its net assets ratio came in at 36.2%.
The company is forecasting a dividend per share for the full year ending March 31, 2025 of 77 yen, a decrease from the 147 yen in the same period a year ago.
By business segment, DHI saw net sales for the single-family houses business rise 14.8% y-o-y to 767,017 million yen, and rental housing business growing 6.7% y-o-y to 968,501 million yen.
Likewise, the commercial facilities business net sales saw a 5.3% y-o-y increase to 899,216 million yen, and the logistics, business & corporate facilities business grew by 12.6% y-o-y to 1,086,976 million yen.
In its condominium business, the group saw a decrease in net sales by 33.9% y-o-y to 193,697 million yen. This is due to the change of Cosmos Initia Co from a consolidated subsidiary of the company into an affiliate accounted for by the equity method in the previous fiscal year.
The group’s environment and energy business also saw a 10.9% y-o-y decrease in net sales of 93,556 million yen.
Units in DHI closed on TSE at JPY4,895.