


据《国际会计公报》(International Accounting Bulletin, IAB)2025年2月17日消息,普华永道印度公司正在对其领导团队进行多项调整,这些调整将于2025年4月1日生效。这包括任命新的高管以及在公司内部设立新的职位。

作为重组计划的一部分,此前担任公司市场负责人的Vivek Prasad,现被任命为新的首席商务官,而此前担任咨询负责人的Arnab Basu,被任命为首席产业官。

Manpreet Ahuja从首席数字官的职位过渡,现在将担任客户与联盟负责人。

Dinesh Arora此前担任交易负责人,现在将领导咨询业务。而Sudipta Ghosh此前负责数据和分析业务,现在将担任首席交付官。

此外,普华永道还任命Dheeraj Gangrade为副咨询负责人,这是一个新设立的职位。

普华永道还成立了一个专门的品牌和公共政策职能部门,该部门将由此前担任普华永道首席营销官的Ruchi Mann领导。

普华永道印度主席Sanjeev Krishan表示:“在过去四年中,我们在对我们增长具有战略意义的领域进行了投资,并与更大的‘印度雄心’故事保持一致。我们设定了达到10亿美元收入的目标,并在时间表之前实现了这一目标。我们的人员数量增加了一倍多,并显著增强了我们在国内业务以及关键联盟合作伙伴中的影响力。我们未来的成功取决于我们以大胆、敏捷和面向未来的方式应对新机遇和挑战的能力。”

2024年11月,普华永道在其位于班加罗尔的美国加速中心开设了首个Google Cloud AI体验区。这一举措使客户能够通过Google Cloud的Gemini模型和Vertex AI平台亲身体验人工智能解决方案。


Accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) India is making multiple changes to its leadership team, effective 1 April 2025.

This includes the appointment of new executives and the creation of new roles within the firm.

As part of the restructuring drive, Vivek Prasad, earlier the firm’s markets leader, has been appointed as its new chief commercial officer, while Arnab Basu, formerly the advisory leader, is taking on the role of chief industries officer.

Manpreet Ahuja, transitioning from his position as chief digital officer, will now serve as the leader for clients and alliances.

Dinesh Arora, formerly the deals leader, will now lead the advisory practice, while Sudipta Ghosh, who previously headed the data and analytics practice, will now serve as the chief delivery officer.

In addition, PwC has appointed Dheeraj Gangrade as the deputy advisory leader, a newly created position.

PwC has also formed a dedicated brand and public policy function, which will be led by Ruchi Mann, who was previously the chief marketing officer for PwC.

PwC India chairperson Sanjeev Krishan said: “In the last four years, we have made investments in areas that are strategic to our growth and have been aligned with the larger Aspirational India story. We set out to achieve the $1bn revenue mark and achieved that well before our timeline.

“We have more than doubled our number of people and have significantly enhanced our presence with domestic businesses as well as key Alliance partners. Our future success here on depends on our ability to respond to new opportunities and challenges as they emerge in a bold, agile and future-ready manner.”

In November 2024, PwC opened its first Google Cloud AI Experience Zone at the US Acceleration Centre based in Bengaluru.

The initiative gave clients hands-on experience with AI solutions using Google Cloud’s Gemini models and Vertex AI.





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