** Citi has hiked its price target $(PT)$ for shares of online furniture retailer Temple & Webster TPW.AX to A$21.10 from A$13.50
** Price target hike reflects FY25 earnings upgrade after earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) beat analysts' expectations in the first half
** Co shares closed 11.8% higher at A$18.04 on Friday, February 14
** Citi maintaining "buy" rating on co
** 7 of 11 analysts rate the stock "buy" or higher, four "hold"; their median PT is A$17.25 – according to data compiled by LSEG
** Stock rose 3.6% in 2024
(Reporting by Nichiket Sunil in Bengaluru; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)