Many Peaks Minerals builds up inventory of gold targets in Côte d’Ivoire

  • Many Peaks Minerals’ aircore drilling defines multiple gold mineralised structures for follow-up exploration at Odienné
  • Zone C stands out with mineralisation defined over a 3.8km structural corridor that remains open along strike and at depth
  • Extensive aircore and reverse circulation drilling to be carried out at the Ferké project in March

Special Report: Reconnaissance aircore drilling targeting previously undrilled targets at Many Peaks Minerals’ Odienné gold project in Côte d’Ivoire has identified multiple mineralised structures for follow-up exploration.

The most significant of these targets is an extensive structural corridor striking 3.8km along Zone C’s southwest margin where gold anomalism was intersected on each of four 1.1km to 1.3km spaced reconnaissance drill lines.

Many Peaks Minerals (ASX:MPK) said the open gold anomalism at Zone C is highlighted by the northwestern-most line on the grid of drilling where three consecutive holes intersecting gold associated with strongly foliated diorite with oxidised quartz-carbonate veining.

These holes returned assays of 3m at 0.94g/t gold to end of hole at 48m (ODAC0352), 3m at 3.42g/t to end of hole at 33m (ODAC0353), and 3m at 0.58g/t from 48m (ODAC0354).

Mineralisation at Zone C remains open at depth and along strike.

The 240-hole drill program totalling 8089m that was completed in December 2024 also expanded the gold-bearing structure in Zone A from 800m to over 2km with a top assay of 6m at 0.83g/t gold from 24m (ODAC0212).

This structure sits within a 3.5km corridor of gold anomalism in drilling that remains open in all directions.

Likewise, drilling at Zone B extended mineralisation intersected in 2023 with deeper samples providing evidence of folding, and potentially fold closures at Zone B, indicating an enhanced potential for trap sites. Typically, that is a favourable structural setting for targeting mineralisation.

These zones sit within over 30km of identified anomalous gold trends in the same corridor that hosts Predictive Discovery’s (ASX:PDI) 5.4Moz Bankan gold deposit and Robex Resources’ (TSXV:RBX) 1.5Moz Kiniero gold project in neighbouring Guinea.

Structural gold targets at the Odienné gold project. Pic: Many Peaks Minerals

MPK noted that two of the three structural trends targeted at Zone C consistently intersected gold anomalism on each line drilled, highlighting priority targets for follow-up drilling and potentially ground geophysics programs.

At Zone A, the explorer plans to carry out follow-up surface geochemistry and potentially ground geophysics is under review for targeting of a cross cutting structural feature.

It added that further detailed logging and review of work to date is required to better outline targets and propose work for Zone B.

Ferke diamond drilling

Meanwhile, the company has also completed a six-hole diamond drilling program totalling 1,285m in January targeting the Ouarigue South prospect at its Ferké gold project to follow-up on aircore drilling.

This was aimed at better defining structural controls to mineralisation already confirmed in drilling at Ouarigue.

It was followed immediately by mapping and geochemistry work, including channel sampling at priority anomalies from auger sampling.

The current sampling program is being completed concurrently with field activity in preparation for extensive aircore and reverse circulation drilling which will begin in March 2025 to test multiple undrilled targets.

Assays are also pending for the diamond drilling program.

This article was developed in collaboration with Many Peaks Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing. 

This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.

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