Release Date: February 28, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: In your press release, you mentioned sacrificing 700,000 tons in 2024 for processed phosphate. How does this impact your 2025 guidance, and what are the expectations for the first and second halves of the year? A: Bruce Bodine, CEO, explained that the 700,000 tons were due to extraordinary events like weather. The phos acid turnarounds, particularly sulfur turnarounds, are back on a three-year cycle. Additional reliability work is being accelerated to ensure the second half of the year operates at maximum capacity.
Q: What other assets might be considered for monetization following the Ma'aden and Patos de Minas transactions? A: Bruce Bodine, CEO, mentioned that every asset is being evaluated for returns. The Carlsbad potash mine is under consideration, and more details will be shared at the Analyst Day. Luciano Siani Pires, CFO, added that they are exploring ways to monetize Ma'aden shares before the lockup period ends.
Q: Can you explain the outlook for global phosphate shipments and the potential impact of your BioPath and PowerCoat products? A: Bruce Bodine, CEO, noted that supply-side limitations are constraining phosphate demand growth. Jenny Wang, EVP Commercial, added that phosphate demand should grow 1-2% annually, but supply constraints have supported prices. BioPath and PowerCoat products can improve phosphate use efficiency, potentially increasing yields.
Q: What could maximum potash production look like if global demand increases? A: Bruce Bodine, CEO, stated that there is limited upside for maximum production due to supply chain constraints. Esterhazy and Belle Plaine are running at full capacity, and Colonsay is used as a swing facility. Jenny Wang, EVP Commercial, added that there are no major spare capacities globally.
Q: How do you view the current CapEx level, and are there opportunities for working capital improvements? A: Luciano Siani Pires, CFO, expressed a desire to reduce sustaining CapEx by $200-300 million over the next few years. Working capital will increase due to business growth, but stronger cash flows are expected in 2026. The Fertilizantes business will continue to consume working capital as it grows.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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