Business intelligence firm Strategydid not purchase any Bitcoin between Feb. 24 and March 2.
The company continues to hold more than 499,000 coins, acquired for roughly $33.1 billion.
Strategy's average purchasing price currently stands at more than $66,000.
On Feb. 24, the company announced that it had acquired nearly $2 billion worth of Bitcoin, which was the company's very first Bitcoin purchase since itsmajor rebranding.
On Feb. 28, the price of the leading cryptocurrency collapsed all the way to the $78,000 level.
The rapid Bitcoin price drop caused the Stratety (MSTR) stock to decline to as low as $240.
American entrepreneur and angel investor Jason Calacanis claims that Strategy cofounder Michael Saylor was "saved" by the recent strategic cryptocurrency reserve announcement. As reported by U.Today, Bitcoin and Ethereum will be at the heart of the reserve, but they will also include other tokens like XRP.
MSTR shares are currently up by more than 11% over the past 24 hours. However, it is still down nearly 18% over the past month.
It is worth noting that the company's premium to net asset value (NAV) is now back to levels that were last seen in April 2024.
As reported by U.Today, Strategy's Sayloropined that Bitcoin was "the foundation" of the crypto economy in response to the reserve announcement.
Saylor has been one of the strongest proponents of a Bitcoin-only reserve. The prominent maximalist previously advocated for ditching Bitcoin in favor of gold.
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