文 | ESG评级中心 李欣然
当前,ESG市场的扩容速度有所放缓,围绕ESG的争议也不断涌现。ESG投资是否真的能够创造价值并为投资者带来切实的收益?ESG评级中心就此问题对话了挪威银行投资管理公司(Norges Bank Investment Management,以下简称NBIM)首席治理与合规官Carine Smith Ihenacho女士。NBIM是全球最大的主权财富基金——挪威主权财富基金的管理者。
2024年,我们通过引入“期望评分”(expectation scores)体系进一步完善了评估框架。该体系依据我们在环境和社会议题上对公司的公开期望进行评估。同时,我们建立了系统性的风险监控流程,以识别和管理ESG风险。一旦发现高风险,我们会与公司沟通、调整投资组合,甚至在必要时完全撤资。2024年,我们基于风险评估进行了49次撤资,并重新投资了16家在ESG表现上取得显著进步的公司。
A: 我们的使命十分明确:在可接受的风险水平下实现最高的回报,同时负责任地管理基金。从长期来看,我们坚信,投资回报依赖于可持续的经济、环境和社会发展,也依赖于高效、合法且运作良好的市场环境。我们的投资策略表明,这些目标是相互促进的,而非相互矛盾的。
Q: 我们了解到,NBIM于2022年发布了《2025年气候行动计划》。截至目前,相关进展如何?展望未来,NBIM又将如何继续在气候治理领域保持领先地位?
Q: Can you share insights on how Norges Bank Investment Management integrates ESG factors into its investment decision-making process?
A: We integrate ESG factors throughout our investment process. This is financially motivated. It is about reducing risks and increasing return. Our portfolio managers consider sustainability in their analyses and discuss these topics in 60% of company meetings. In 2024, we strengthened our assessment framework by introducing "expectation scores" that evaluate companies against our published expectations of companies on environmental and social topics. We also have systematic risk monitoring processes to identify and manage ESG risks. When we identify high risks, we can engage with companies, adjust our investments, or in some cases, divest completely. In 2024, we made 49 risk-based divestments and re-included 16 companies that showed significant improvements.
Q: Active engagement with companies is a crucial aspect of responsible investment. Can you discuss some of the key engagement strategies that Norges Bank Investment Management employs to influence positive change in the companies it invests in?How do you measure the success of these engagements?
A: In 2024, we held 3,313 meetings with 1,342 companies, including 234 board-level meetings. Good corporate governance starts with board accountability to shareholders. We raise financially material topics in our dialogues. We measure success through specific objectives we set for each engagement. For example, in our climate engagements, we track progress on emission reduction targets - by the end of 2024, 74% of our portfolio's financed emissions were covered by net zero targets.We use various tools to engage with companies, including voting.We voted at 11,154 shareholder meetings in 2024. We also emphasize transparency, publishing our voting intentions five days before shareholder meetings.
Q: How does Norges Bank Investment Management balance the dual objectives of achieving strong financial returns and promoting sustainability goals? Are there any trade-offs, and if so, how are they managed?
A: Our mandate is clear: achieve the highest possible return with acceptable risk, while managing the fund responsibly. In the long term, we believe our return depends on sustainable economic, environmental and social development, as well as on well-functioning, legitimate and efficient markets. Our investment approach shows that these goals are complementary, not conflicting. For instance, since 2012 our risk-based divestments from companies with poor sustainability practices has increased the cumulative returns in equities by 0.64 percentage points.We've also expanded our investments in renewable energy infrastructure, adding 1,891 MW of capacity in 2024. In real estate, we're seeing tangible progress - 43% of our real estate portfolio is now aligned with a 1.5°C decarbonization pathway.
Q: We have learned that Norges Bank Investment Management published its 2025 Climate Action Plan in 2022. As of now, what progress has been made? And looking ahead, how is Norges Bank Investment Management preparing to continue leading in climate governance?
A: We have over the last years seen encouraging progress on climate action, with 74% of our portfolio's emissions now covered by net zero targets. However, we recognise that the transition is not something that can be done by investors and companies alone - it will require governments fulfilling their commitments to enable an orderly transition of the global economy. Our focus now, and in the future, will be to support the high-emitting companies in our portfolio to transition their business models and reduce their emissions in a way that aligns with long-term value creation.