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Canada NewsWire

CALGARY, AB, March 13, 2025

CALGARY, AB, March 13, 2025 /CNW/ - Stampede Drilling Inc. ("Stampede" or the "Corporation") (TSXV: SDI) announces today its consolidated financial and operational results for the three and twelve month periods ended December 31, 2024.

The following press release should be read in conjunction with the December 31, 2024 audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IFRS Accounting Standards"), the related management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") and the annual information form ("AIF") for the year ended December 31, 2024. Additional information regarding Stampede, including the AIF, is available on SEDAR+ at

All amounts or dollar figures are denominated in thousands of Canadian dollars except for per share amounts, number of drilling rigs, and operating days, or unless otherwise noted.

Estimates and forward-looking information are based on assumptions of future events and actual results may vary from these estimates. See "Forward-Looking Information" in this press release for additional details.


   -- Revenue of $20,395 -- This represents a decrease of $1,099 or 5% from the 
      fourth quarter of 2023, primarily driven by a decrease in third party 
      rebills, and a decrease in revenue per day. 
   -- Gross Margin(1) of 33% -- This represents a decrease of 7% from 40% in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was due to a reduction in 
      third party rebills, decrease in revenue per day, and an increase in 
      operating costs per day. 
   -- Net Income of $687 -- This represents a decrease of $2,550 or 79% from 
      the fourth quarter of 2023. The decrease was primarily related to the 
      decrease in operating margin, higher depreciation expense, and increased 
      income tax expense compared to the corresponding period of 2023. 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $3,976 -- This represents a 37% decrease from the 
      fourth quarter of 2023. The decrease was a result of a reduction in third 
      party rebills, and a reduction in operating margin. 
   -- Free Cash Flow(1) of $1,780 -- This represents a decrease of $3,629 from 
      the fourth quarter of 2023, primarily related to a $2,307 decrease in 
      funds from operating activities, and an increase in maintenance and 
      sustaining capital compared to the corresponding 2023 period. 
   -- Repurchase of 4,017 common shares -- In the fourth quarter of 2024 the 
      Corporation repurchased and cancelled 4,017 common shares under its 
      normal course issuer bid ("NCIB") at a weighted average price per common 
      share of $0.19, for total consideration of $803. The total amount of 
      common shares repurchased and cancelled during the fourth quarter of 2024 
      represents 1.97% of the total issued and outstanding common shares of the 
   -- Capital Expenditures of $1,705 -- Capital expenditures for the fourth 
      quarter of 2024 were comprised of $363 of growth capital and $1,342 of 
      maintenance and sustaining capital. 


   -- Revenue of $82,074 -- This represents a 5% decrease as compared to 2023. 
      The decrease was primarily driven by a 7% decrease in operating days for 
   -- Gross Margin(1) of 33% -- This represents a decrease of 1% from 34% in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily due to the 
      reduction in operating days and revenue, resulting in an increase in 
      repair and maintenance costs per day. 
   -- Net Income of $5,163 -- This represents a 51% decrease from 2023. The 
      decrease was primarily related to decreased Adjusted EBITDA, along with 
      increased depreciation costs and income tax expense. 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $17,475 -- This represents a 15% decrease as 
      compared to 2023. The decrease was primarily due to customer drilling 
      program deferrals and operator consolidation, which resulted in a 
      reduction in operating days and operating margin. 
   -- Free Cash Flow(1) of $9,434 -- This represents a decrease of $1,941 
      primarily related to a $3,160 decrease in funds from operating activities, 
      along with an increase in principal and interest payments on the 
      Corporation's $20,000 non-revolving term loan. 
   -- Repurchase of 11,017 common shares -- In 2024, the Corporation 
      repurchased and cancelled 11,017 common shares under its NCIB at a 
      weighted average price per common share of $0.21, for total consideration 
      of $2,406. The total amount of common shares repurchased and cancelled 
      during the financial year ended December 31, 2024, represents 5.4% of the 
      total issued and outstanding common shares of the Corporation. 
   -- Capital Expenditures of $14,642 -- Capital expenditures for 2024 were 
      comprised of $10,971 of growth capital and $3,671 of maintenance and 
      sustaining capital. 


Ongoing geopolitical challenges affecting global energy supply and demand are expected to continue to impact the volatility on commodity prices, which we anticipate continuing into 2025. However, increased tidewater access for Canadian producers from the startup of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion during 2024 and LNG Canada planned for 2025 are anticipated to help alleviate some of these pressures.

The evolving political situations in Canada and the U.S. are causing uncertainty in the energy sector. Recently announced U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, as well as tariffs on Canadian energy imports, have led to Canadian retaliatory tariffs on certain U.S. imports. Despite the implementation of tariffs, price volatility, and other factors, Stampede anticipates modest growth in oilfield activity in Canada, with the potential for attractive returns for its shareholders.

Stampede had 14 out of its 19 rigs operational in the first quarter of 2025. Stampede anticipates building on this positive momentum into the back half of 2025. The Corporation ended 2024 with a debt to EBITDA ratio of 1.09x. Stampede continues to demonstrate prudent debt management, maintaining financial risk at manageable levels.

With the NCIB program renewed on June 3, 2024, the Corporation can further return value to shareholders through share repurchases, dependent on market conditions and growth prospects. Notably, since the inception of the Corporation's NCIB program in August 2023, the Corporation has repurchased 27,816 common shares, representing 12.2% of the Corporation's total issued and outstanding common shares, at an average price of $0.23 per share, returning a total of $6,426 to its shareholders.


                         Three months ended,        Year ended,December 31 
                          December 31 
(000's CAD $ except per  2024     2023     %        2024      2023     % 
share amounts)                              Change                      Change 
Revenue                   20,395   21,494    (5 %)    82,074   85,956    (5 %) 
Direct operating 
 expenses                 13,627   12,891      6 %    54,948   56,825    (3 %) 
Gross margin(1)            6,768    8,603   (21 %)    27,126   29,131    (7 %) 
Net income                   687    3,237   (79 %)     5,163   10,504   (51 %) 
Basic and diluted 
 income per share           0.00     0.01      0 %      0.02     0.05   (60 %) 
Adjusted EBITDA(1)         3,976    6,287   (37 %)    17,475   20,479   (15 %) 
Funds from operating 
 activities                3,980    6,287   (37 %)    17,271   20,431   (15 %) 
Free cash flow(1)          1,780    5,409   (67 %)     9,434   11,375   (17 %) 
Weighted average common 
 shares outstanding 
 (000's)                 208,417  221,158    (6 %)   210,355  224,807    (6 %) 
Weighted average 
 diluted common shares 
 (000's)                 208,426  222,453    (6 %)   210,540  227,206    (7 %) 
Capital expenditures       1,705    4,818   (65 %)    14,642   14,455      1 % 
Number of marketed rigs       19       19      0 %        19       19      0 % 
Drilling rig 
 utilization(2)             46 %     46 %    (0 %)      43 %     46 %    (3 %) 
CAOEC industry average 
 utilization(3)             44 %     36 %      8 %      43 %     35 %      8 % 
(1) Refer to "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures" 
for further information. 
(2) Drilling rig utilization is calculated based on 
operating days (spud to rig release). 
(3) Source: The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors 
("CAOEC") monthly Contractor Summary. The CAOEC industry 
average is based on operating days divided by total 
available drilling days. 


Stampede is an energy services company that provides premier contract drilling services in Western Canada. Stampede operates a fleet of 18 telescopic double drilling rigs and 1 high spec triple drilling rig suited for most formations within the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin ("WCSB"). The Corporation's head office is located in Calgary, Alberta with operations based out of Nisku, Alberta and Estevan, Saskatchewan. The Corporation's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") under the symbol "SDI".


                                        Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)                           2024     2023     % Change 
Revenue                                  82,074   85,956      (5 %) 
Direct operating expenses                54,948   56,825      (3 %) 
Gross margin(1)                          27,126   29,131      (7 %) 
Gross margin %(1)                          33 %     34 %      (1 %) 
Net income                                5,163   10,504     (51 %) 
General and administrative expenses      11,311   10,088       12 % 
Adjusted EBITDA(1)                       17,475   20,479     (15 %) 
Drilling rig operating days(2)            2,919    3,131      (7 %) 
Drilling rig revenue per day(3)            28.1     27.5        2 % 
Drilling rig utilization(4)                43 %     46 %      (3 %) 
CAOEC industry average utilization(5)      43 %     35 %        9 % 
(1) Refer to "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures" 
for further information. 
(2) Defined as contract drilling days, between spud 
to rig release. 
(3) Drilling rig revenue per day is calculated by 
revenue divided by drilling rig operating days. 
(4) Drilling rig utilization is calculated based on 
operating days (spud to rig release). 
(5) Source: The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors 
("CAOEC") monthly Contractor Summary. The CAOEC industry 
average is based on Operating Days divided by total 
available drilling days. 
   -- Revenue of $82,074 -- a decrease of $3,882 (5%) from $85,956 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily driven by a 7% 
      decrease in operating days for 2024. 
   -- Operating days of 2,919 -- a decrease of 212 operating days (7%) from 
      3,131 operating days in the corresponding 2023 period. Operating days 
      decreased due to customer consolidation, and drilling program deferrals 
      in 2024, resulting in lower drilling rig utilization compared to the 
      corresponding period of 2023. 
   -- Gross margin percentage of 33% -- a decrease of 1% from 34% in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The gross margin decrease was primarily due to 
      the reduction in operating days and revenue, resulting in an increase in 
      repair and maintenance costs per day. 
   -- Net income of $5,163 -- a decrease of $5,341 (51%) from $10,504 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily related to 
      decreased Adjusted EBITDA, along with increased depreciation costs and 
      income tax expense. 
   -- General and administrative expenses of $11,311 -- an increase of $1,223 
      (12%) from $10,088 in the corresponding 2023 period. The increase was 
      primarily related to increased worker compensation insurance, IT 
      implementation costs, and credit loss allowance in 2024. 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA of $17,475 -- a decrease of $3,004 (15%) from $20,479 in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily due to customer 
      drilling program deferrals and operator consolidation resulting in a 
      reduction in operating days, and operating margin. 


                                        Three months ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)                           2024        2023       % Change 
Revenue                                     20,395     21,494         (5 %) 
Direct operating expenses                   13,627     12,891           6 % 
Gross margin(1)                              6,768      8,603        (21 %) 
Gross margin %(1)                             33 %       40 %         (7 %) 
Net Income                                     687      3,237        (79 %) 
General and administrative expenses          3,128      2,514          24 % 
Adjusted EBITDA(1)                           3,976      6,287        (37 %) 
Drilling rig operating days(2)                 722        727         (1 %) 
Drilling rig revenue per day(3)               28.3       29.6         (4 %) 
Drilling rig utilization(4)                   46 %       46 %         (0 %) 
CAOEC industry average utilization(5)         44 %       36 %           8 % 
   -- Revenue of $20,395 -- a decrease of $1,099 (5%) from $21,494 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily due to a decrease 
      in third party rebills, and a decrease in revenue per day. 
   -- Operating days of 722 -- a decrease of 5 operating days (1%) from 727 
      operating days in the corresponding 2023 period. Operating days decreased 
      due to customer drilling program deferrals in the last quarter of 2024, 
      resulting in lower drilling rig utilization compared to the corresponding 
      period of 2023. 
   -- Gross margin percentage of 33% -- a decrease of 7% from 40% in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was due to a reduction in third 
      party rebills, decrease in revenue per day, and an increase in operating 
      costs per day. 
   -- Net income of $687 -- a decrease of $2,550 (79%) from $3,237 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily related to the 
      decrease in operating margin, higher deprecation expense, and increased 
      income tax expense compared to the corresponding period of 2023. 
   -- General and administrative expenses of $3,128 -- an increase of $614 
      (24%) from $2,514 in the corresponding 2023 period. The increase was 
      primarily related to increased worker compensation insurance, IT 
      implementation costs, and credit loss allowance in the last quarter of 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA of $3,976 -- a decrease of $2,311 (37%) from $6,287 in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was a result of a reduction 
      in third party rebills, and a reduction in operating margin. 


This press release contains references to (i) adjusted EBITDA, (ii) Gross margin (iii) Gross margin percentage and (iv) free cash flow. These financial measures are not measures that have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS Accounting Standards and are therefore referred to as non-generally accepted accounting principles ("non-GAAP") measures. The non-GAAP measures used by the Corporation may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies.

(i)  Adjusted EBITDA - is defined as "income from operations 
      before interest income, interest expense, taxes, transaction 
      costs, depreciation and amortization, share-based 
      compensation expense, gains on asset disposals, impairment 
      expenses, other income, foreign exchange, non-recurring 
      restructuring charges, finance costs, accretion of 
      debentures and other income/expenses, foreign exchange 
      gain and any other items that the Corporation considers 
      appropriate to adjust given the irregular nature and 
      relevance to comparable operations." Management believes 
      that in addition to net income, adjusted EBITDA is 
      a useful supplemental measure as it provides an indication 
      of the results generated by the Corporation's principal 
      business activities prior to consideration of how 
      these activities are financed, how assets are depreciated, 
      amortized and impaired, the impact of foreign exchange, 
      or how the results are affected by the accounting 
      standards associated with the Corporation's stock-based 
      compensation plan. Investors should be cautioned, 
      however, that adjusted EBITDA should not be construed 
      as an alternative to net income and comprehensive 
      income determined in accordance with IFRS Accounting 
      Standards as an indicator of the Corporation's performance. 
      The Corporation's method of calculating adjusted EBITDA 
      may differ from that of other organizations and, accordingly, 
      its adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to that 
      of other companies. 
                Three months ended, December 31  Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)   2024       2023       % Change   2024     2023     % Change 
Net income            687      3,237     (79 %)    5,163   10,504     (51 %) 
Depreciation        2,300      1,898       21 %    8,781    7,076       24 % 
Finance costs         449        504     (11 %)    1,983    1,974        0 % 
Other income         (11)       (16)     (31 %)     (50)     (31)       61 % 
Income tax 
 expense              409          -         nm      409        -         nm 
Loss (gain) on 
 disposal               -        555         nm     (52)     (91)     (43 %) 
 payments             192         92      109 %    1,199    1,009       19 % 
 costs                (3)          2    (250 %)      105       31      239 % 
 (gain) loss         (47)         15    (413 %)     (63)        7  (1,000 %) 
 EBITDA             3,976      6,287     (37 %)   17,475   20,479     (15 %) 
nm - not 
(ii)   Gross margin - is defined as "Income from operations 
        before depreciation of property and equipment". Gross 
        margin is a measure that provides shareholders and 
        potential investors additional information regarding 
        the Corporation's cash generating and operating performance. 
        Management utilizes this measure to assess the Corporation's 
        operating performance. Readers should be cautioned, 
        however, that gross margin should not be construed 
        as an alternative to net income (loss) determined 
        in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards as an 
        indicator of the Corporation's performance. The Corporation's 
        method of calculating gross margin may differ from 
        that of other organizations and, accordingly, its 
        gross margin may not be comparable to that of other 
(iii)  Gross margin percentage - is calculated as gross margin 
        divided by revenue. The Corporation believes gross 
        margin as a percentage of revenue is an important 
        measure to determine how the Corporation is managing 
        its revenues and corresponding cost of sales. The 
        Corporation's method of calculating gross margin percentage 
        may differ from that of other organizations and, accordingly, 
        its gross margin percentage may not be comparable 
        to that of other companies. 
The following table reconciles the Corporation's income 
 from operations, being the most directly comparable 
 financial measure disclosed in the Corporation's financial 
 statements, to gross margin and gross margin percentage: 
                Three months ended, December 31  Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)   2024       2023       % Change   2024     2023     % Change 
Income from 
 operations         4,612      6,811     (32 %)   18,806   22,482     (16 %) 
 of property 
 and equipment      2,156      1,792       20 %    8,320    6,649       25 % 
Gross margin        6,768      8,603     (21 %)   27,126   29,131      (7 %) 
Gross margin %       33 %       40 %      (7 %)     33 %     34 %      (1 %) 
(iv)  Free cash flow - is calculated based on funds from 
       operating activities less maintenance and sustaining 
       capital, and interest and principal debt repayments. 
       The Corporation uses this measure to assess the discretionary 
       cash that management has to invest in growth capital, 
       asset acquisitions, or return capital to shareholders. 
       The Corporation's method of calculating free cash 
       flow may differ from that of other organizations and, 
       accordingly, its free cash flow may not be comparable 
       to that of other companies. The following table reconciles 
       the Corporation's funds from operating activities 
       to free cash flow. 
                Three months ended, December 31  Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)   2024        2023      % Change   2024      2023     % Change 
Funds from 
 activities          3,980     6,287     (37 %)    17,271   20,431    (15 %) 
 capital           (1,342)     (230)      483 %   (3,671)  (5,184)    (29 %) 
Interest paid 
 on Demand 
 Facility             (78)      (23)      239 %     (271)    $(588.SI)$    (54 %) 
BDC principal            -         -         nm         -  (1,500)        nm 
Interest on              -         -         nm         -     (91)        nm 
BDC loan 
Term Loan 
 payments            (452)     (199)      127 %   (2,378)    (699)     240 % 
Interest on 
 Term Loan 
 Facility            (328)     (426)     (23 %)   (1,517)    (994)      53 % 
Total free 
 cash flow           1,780     5,409     (67 %)     9,434   11,375    (17 %) 
nm - not 


The Corporation uses supplementary financial measures that are not defined terms under IFRS Accounting Standards to provide useful supplemental financial information to investors.

(i)  Capital Expenditures -- management of the Corporation 
      uses a breakdown of capital expenditures to assess 
      the capital invested related to capital expenditures 
      at a more detailed level. Capital expenditures have 
      been split into two categories, growth capital, and 
      maintenance and sustaining capital. Growth capital 
      are expenditures incurred for the purposes of upgrading 
      existing equipment to improve operating efficiency 
      and marketability of the asset. Maintenance and sustaining 
      capital are expenditures related to maintaining the 
      current operational efficiency of the asset. The following 
      table shows the split of the two different types of 
      capital expenditures. The Corporation's method of 
      calculating capital expenditures may differ from that 
      of other organizations and, accordingly, its capital 
      expenditures may not be comparable to that of other 
      companies. The following table reconciles the Corporation's 
      total capital expenditures. 
                                        Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)                           2024     2023     % Change 
Capital expenditures: 
Growth capital(1)                        10,971    9,271       18 % 
Maintenance and sustaining capital(1)     3,671    5,184     (29 %) 
Total capital expenditures               14,642   14,455        1 % 


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking statements or forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking information"). Forward-looking information relates to future events or the Corporation's future performance. All information other than statements of historical fact is forward-looking information. The use of any of the words "anticipate", "plan", "contemplate", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "propose", "might", "may", "will", "could", "should", "believe", "predict", and "forecast" are intended to identify forward-looking information.

This press release contains forward-looking information pertaining to, among other things: the Corporation's performance; expectations associated with the Corporation's outlook, including, among other things, anticipated commodity prices, the volatility thereof and potential mitigating factors and expectations about industry activities and the impacts thereof on the Corporation; the return of value to shareholders through the Corporation's NCIB program; the assessment of additional acquisition opportunities by the Corporation; and expected impacts of tariffs on the Corporation and the industry in which it operates.

Forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions that Stampede has made in respect thereof as at the date of this press release regarding, among other things: the Corporation's ability to fully crew and contract its rigs; that market conditions and growth prospects will permit the return of value to shareholders through the Corporation's NCIB program; the success of the measures implemented by the Corporation to ensure the safe, efficient and reliable operations at each of its drilling sites; the creditworthiness of the Corporation's customers and counterparties; the effectiveness of the Corporation's financial risk management policies at ensuring all payables are paid within the pre-agreed credit terms; that the Corporation's critical accounting estimates and judgments are reasonable; that the Corporation has adequate access to its credit facilities to provide the necessary liquidity needed to manage fluctuations in the timing of receipt and/or disbursement of operating cash flows; the condition of the global economy, including certain geopolitical risks; the stability of the economic and political environment in which the Corporation operates; the ability of the Corporation to retain qualified staff; management's ability to crew underutilized assets; the ability of the Corporation to maintain key customers; the ability of the Corporation to obtain financing on acceptable terms; the belief that the Corporation's principal sources of liquidity will be sufficient to service its debt and fund its operations and other strategic opportunities; the ability of the Corporation to obtain financing on acceptable terms; the ability to protect and maintain the Corporation's intellectual property; the Corporation's ability to maintain financial resiliency in light of current macroeconomic conditions; and the regulatory framework regarding taxes and environmental matters in the jurisdictions in which the Corporation operates.

Forward-looking information is presented in this press release for the purpose of assisting investors and others in understanding certain key elements of the Corporation's financial results and business plan, as well as the objectives, strategic priorities and business outlook of the Corporation, and in obtaining a better understanding of the Corporation's anticipated operating environment. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking information may not be appropriate for other purposes.

While Stampede believes the expectations and material factors and assumptions reflected in the forward-looking information is reasonable as of the date hereof, there can be no assurance that these expectations, factors and assumptions will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or events could differ materially from the expectations of the Corporation expressed in or implied by such forward-looking information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. All forward-looking information is subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to: the condition of the global economy, including trade, inflation, interest rates, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Middle East and other geopolitical risks, including the imposition of tariffs and other non-trade barriers; the condition of the crude oil and natural gas industry and related commodity prices; other commodity prices and the potential impact on the Corporation and the industry in which the Corporation operates, including levels of exploration and development activities; the impact of increasing competition; fluctuations in operating results; the ongoing significant volatility in world markets and the resulting impact on drilling and completions programs; foreign currency exchange rates; interest rates; labour and material shortages; cyber security risks; natural catastrophes; and certain other risks and uncertainties detailed under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in the Corporation's MD&A and under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Corporation's AIF, each dated March 13, 2025 for the year ended December 31, 2024, and from time to time in Stampede's public disclosure documents available at

This list of risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive. Readers are cautioned that events or circumstances could cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, forecasted, or projected. Statements, including forward-looking information, are made as of the date of this press release and the Corporation does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

SOURCE Stampede Drilling Inc.

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For further information, please contact: Lyle Whitmarsh, President & Chief Executive Officer, Stampede Drilling Inc., Tel: (403) 984-5042

Copyright CNW Group 2025 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


Canada NewsWire

CALGARY, AB, March 13, 2025

CALGARY, AB, March 13, 2025 /CNW/ - Stampede Drilling Inc. ("Stampede" or the "Corporation") (TSXV: SDI) announces today its consolidated financial and operational results for the three and twelve month periods ended December 31, 2024.

The following press release should be read in conjunction with the December 31, 2024 audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IFRS Accounting Standards"), the related management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") and the annual information form ("AIF") for the year ended December 31, 2024. Additional information regarding Stampede, including the AIF, is available on SEDAR+ at

All amounts or dollar figures are denominated in thousands of Canadian dollars except for per share amounts, number of drilling rigs, and operating days, or unless otherwise noted.

Estimates and forward-looking information are based on assumptions of future events and actual results may vary from these estimates. See "Forward-Looking Information" in this press release for additional details.


   -- Revenue of $20,395 -- This represents a decrease of $1,099 or 5% from the 
      fourth quarter of 2023, primarily driven by a decrease in third party 
      rebills, and a decrease in revenue per day. 
   -- Gross Margin(1) of 33% -- This represents a decrease of 7% from 40% in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was due to a reduction in 
      third party rebills, decrease in revenue per day, and an increase in 
      operating costs per day. 
   -- Net Income of $687 -- This represents a decrease of $2,550 or 79% from 
      the fourth quarter of 2023. The decrease was primarily related to the 
      decrease in operating margin, higher depreciation expense, and increased 
      income tax expense compared to the corresponding period of 2023. 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $3,976 -- This represents a 37% decrease from the 
      fourth quarter of 2023. The decrease was a result of a reduction in third 
      party rebills, and a reduction in operating margin. 
   -- Free Cash Flow(1) of $1,780 -- This represents a decrease of $3,629 from 
      the fourth quarter of 2023, primarily related to a $2,307 decrease in 
      funds from operating activities, and an increase in maintenance and 
      sustaining capital compared to the corresponding 2023 period. 
   -- Repurchase of 4,017 common shares -- In the fourth quarter of 2024 the 
      Corporation repurchased and cancelled 4,017 common shares under its 
      normal course issuer bid ("NCIB") at a weighted average price per common 
      share of $0.19, for total consideration of $803. The total amount of 
      common shares repurchased and cancelled during the fourth quarter of 2024 
      represents 1.97% of the total issued and outstanding common shares of the 
   -- Capital Expenditures of $1,705 -- Capital expenditures for the fourth 
      quarter of 2024 were comprised of $363 of growth capital and $1,342 of 
      maintenance and sustaining capital. 


   -- Revenue of $82,074 -- This represents a 5% decrease as compared to 2023. 
      The decrease was primarily driven by a 7% decrease in operating days for 
   -- Gross Margin(1) of 33% -- This represents a decrease of 1% from 34% in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily due to the 
      reduction in operating days and revenue, resulting in an increase in 
      repair and maintenance costs per day. 
   -- Net Income of $5,163 -- This represents a 51% decrease from 2023. The 
      decrease was primarily related to decreased Adjusted EBITDA, along with 
      increased depreciation costs and income tax expense. 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $17,475 -- This represents a 15% decrease as 
      compared to 2023. The decrease was primarily due to customer drilling 
      program deferrals and operator consolidation, which resulted in a 
      reduction in operating days and operating margin. 
   -- Free Cash Flow(1) of $9,434 -- This represents a decrease of $1,941 
      primarily related to a $3,160 decrease in funds from operating activities, 
      along with an increase in principal and interest payments on the 
      Corporation's $20,000 non-revolving term loan. 
   -- Repurchase of 11,017 common shares -- In 2024, the Corporation 
      repurchased and cancelled 11,017 common shares under its NCIB at a 
      weighted average price per common share of $0.21, for total consideration 
      of $2,406. The total amount of common shares repurchased and cancelled 
      during the financial year ended December 31, 2024, represents 5.4% of the 
      total issued and outstanding common shares of the Corporation. 
   -- Capital Expenditures of $14,642 -- Capital expenditures for 2024 were 
      comprised of $10,971 of growth capital and $3,671 of maintenance and 
      sustaining capital. 


Ongoing geopolitical challenges affecting global energy supply and demand are expected to continue to impact the volatility on commodity prices, which we anticipate continuing into 2025. However, increased tidewater access for Canadian producers from the startup of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion during 2024 and LNG Canada planned for 2025 are anticipated to help alleviate some of these pressures.

The evolving political situations in Canada and the U.S. are causing uncertainty in the energy sector. Recently announced U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, as well as tariffs on Canadian energy imports, have led to Canadian retaliatory tariffs on certain U.S. imports. Despite the implementation of tariffs, price volatility, and other factors, Stampede anticipates modest growth in oilfield activity in Canada, with the potential for attractive returns for its shareholders.

Stampede had 14 out of its 19 rigs operational in the first quarter of 2025. Stampede anticipates building on this positive momentum into the back half of 2025. The Corporation ended 2024 with a debt to EBITDA ratio of 1.09x. Stampede continues to demonstrate prudent debt management, maintaining financial risk at manageable levels.

With the NCIB program renewed on June 3, 2024, the Corporation can further return value to shareholders through share repurchases, dependent on market conditions and growth prospects. Notably, since the inception of the Corporation's NCIB program in August 2023, the Corporation has repurchased 27,816 common shares, representing 12.2% of the Corporation's total issued and outstanding common shares, at an average price of $0.23 per share, returning a total of $6,426 to its shareholders.


                         Three months ended,        Year ended,December 31 
                          December 31 
(000's CAD $ except per  2024     2023     %        2024      2023     % 
share amounts)                              Change                      Change 
Revenue                   20,395   21,494    (5 %)    82,074   85,956    (5 %) 
Direct operating 
 expenses                 13,627   12,891      6 %    54,948   56,825    (3 %) 
Gross margin(1)            6,768    8,603   (21 %)    27,126   29,131    (7 %) 
Net income                   687    3,237   (79 %)     5,163   10,504   (51 %) 
Basic and diluted 
 income per share           0.00     0.01      0 %      0.02     0.05   (60 %) 
Adjusted EBITDA(1)         3,976    6,287   (37 %)    17,475   20,479   (15 %) 
Funds from operating 
 activities                3,980    6,287   (37 %)    17,271   20,431   (15 %) 
Free cash flow(1)          1,780    5,409   (67 %)     9,434   11,375   (17 %) 
Weighted average common 
 shares outstanding 
 (000's)                 208,417  221,158    (6 %)   210,355  224,807    (6 %) 
Weighted average 
 diluted common shares 
 (000's)                 208,426  222,453    (6 %)   210,540  227,206    (7 %) 
Capital expenditures       1,705    4,818   (65 %)    14,642   14,455      1 % 
Number of marketed rigs       19       19      0 %        19       19      0 % 
Drilling rig 
 utilization(2)             46 %     46 %    (0 %)      43 %     46 %    (3 %) 
CAOEC industry average 
 utilization(3)             44 %     36 %      8 %      43 %     35 %      8 % 
(1) Refer to "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures" 
for further information. 
(2) Drilling rig utilization is calculated based on 
operating days (spud to rig release). 
(3) Source: The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors 
("CAOEC") monthly Contractor Summary. The CAOEC industry 
average is based on operating days divided by total 
available drilling days. 


Stampede is an energy services company that provides premier contract drilling services in Western Canada. Stampede operates a fleet of 18 telescopic double drilling rigs and 1 high spec triple drilling rig suited for most formations within the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin ("WCSB"). The Corporation's head office is located in Calgary, Alberta with operations based out of Nisku, Alberta and Estevan, Saskatchewan. The Corporation's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") under the symbol "SDI".


                                        Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)                           2024     2023     % Change 
Revenue                                  82,074   85,956      (5 %) 
Direct operating expenses                54,948   56,825      (3 %) 
Gross margin(1)                          27,126   29,131      (7 %) 
Gross margin %(1)                          33 %     34 %      (1 %) 
Net income                                5,163   10,504     (51 %) 
General and administrative expenses      11,311   10,088       12 % 
Adjusted EBITDA(1)                       17,475   20,479     (15 %) 
Drilling rig operating days(2)            2,919    3,131      (7 %) 
Drilling rig revenue per day(3)            28.1     27.5        2 % 
Drilling rig utilization(4)                43 %     46 %      (3 %) 
CAOEC industry average utilization(5)      43 %     35 %        9 % 
(1) Refer to "Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures" 
for further information. 
(2) Defined as contract drilling days, between spud 
to rig release. 
(3) Drilling rig revenue per day is calculated by 
revenue divided by drilling rig operating days. 
(4) Drilling rig utilization is calculated based on 
operating days (spud to rig release). 
(5) Source: The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors 
("CAOEC") monthly Contractor Summary. The CAOEC industry 
average is based on Operating Days divided by total 
available drilling days. 
   -- Revenue of $82,074 -- a decrease of $3,882 (5%) from $85,956 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily driven by a 7% 
      decrease in operating days for 2024. 
   -- Operating days of 2,919 -- a decrease of 212 operating days (7%) from 
      3,131 operating days in the corresponding 2023 period. Operating days 
      decreased due to customer consolidation, and drilling program deferrals 
      in 2024, resulting in lower drilling rig utilization compared to the 
      corresponding period of 2023. 
   -- Gross margin percentage of 33% -- a decrease of 1% from 34% in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The gross margin decrease was primarily due to 
      the reduction in operating days and revenue, resulting in an increase in 
      repair and maintenance costs per day. 
   -- Net income of $5,163 -- a decrease of $5,341 (51%) from $10,504 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily related to 
      decreased Adjusted EBITDA, along with increased depreciation costs and 
      income tax expense. 
   -- General and administrative expenses of $11,311 -- an increase of $1,223 
      (12%) from $10,088 in the corresponding 2023 period. The increase was 
      primarily related to increased worker compensation insurance, IT 
      implementation costs, and credit loss allowance in 2024. 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA of $17,475 -- a decrease of $3,004 (15%) from $20,479 in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily due to customer 
      drilling program deferrals and operator consolidation resulting in a 
      reduction in operating days, and operating margin. 


                                        Three months ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)                           2024        2023       % Change 
Revenue                                     20,395     21,494         (5 %) 
Direct operating expenses                   13,627     12,891           6 % 
Gross margin(1)                              6,768      8,603        (21 %) 
Gross margin %(1)                             33 %       40 %         (7 %) 
Net Income                                     687      3,237        (79 %) 
General and administrative expenses          3,128      2,514          24 % 
Adjusted EBITDA(1)                           3,976      6,287        (37 %) 
Drilling rig operating days(2)                 722        727         (1 %) 
Drilling rig revenue per day(3)               28.3       29.6         (4 %) 
Drilling rig utilization(4)                   46 %       46 %         (0 %) 
CAOEC industry average utilization(5)         44 %       36 %           8 % 
   -- Revenue of $20,395 -- a decrease of $1,099 (5%) from $21,494 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily due to a decrease 
      in third party rebills, and a decrease in revenue per day. 
   -- Operating days of 722 -- a decrease of 5 operating days (1%) from 727 
      operating days in the corresponding 2023 period. Operating days decreased 
      due to customer drilling program deferrals in the last quarter of 2024, 
      resulting in lower drilling rig utilization compared to the corresponding 
      period of 2023. 
   -- Gross margin percentage of 33% -- a decrease of 7% from 40% in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was due to a reduction in third 
      party rebills, decrease in revenue per day, and an increase in operating 
      costs per day. 
   -- Net income of $687 -- a decrease of $2,550 (79%) from $3,237 in the 
      corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was primarily related to the 
      decrease in operating margin, higher deprecation expense, and increased 
      income tax expense compared to the corresponding period of 2023. 
   -- General and administrative expenses of $3,128 -- an increase of $614 
      (24%) from $2,514 in the corresponding 2023 period. The increase was 
      primarily related to increased worker compensation insurance, IT 
      implementation costs, and credit loss allowance in the last quarter of 
   -- Adjusted EBITDA of $3,976 -- a decrease of $2,311 (37%) from $6,287 in 
      the corresponding 2023 period. The decrease was a result of a reduction 
      in third party rebills, and a reduction in operating margin. 


This press release contains references to (i) adjusted EBITDA, (ii) Gross margin (iii) Gross margin percentage and (iv) free cash flow. These financial measures are not measures that have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS Accounting Standards and are therefore referred to as non-generally accepted accounting principles ("non-GAAP") measures. The non-GAAP measures used by the Corporation may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies.

(i)  Adjusted EBITDA - is defined as "income from operations 
      before interest income, interest expense, taxes, transaction 
      costs, depreciation and amortization, share-based 
      compensation expense, gains on asset disposals, impairment 
      expenses, other income, foreign exchange, non-recurring 
      restructuring charges, finance costs, accretion of 
      debentures and other income/expenses, foreign exchange 
      gain and any other items that the Corporation considers 
      appropriate to adjust given the irregular nature and 
      relevance to comparable operations." Management believes 
      that in addition to net income, adjusted EBITDA is 
      a useful supplemental measure as it provides an indication 
      of the results generated by the Corporation's principal 
      business activities prior to consideration of how 
      these activities are financed, how assets are depreciated, 
      amortized and impaired, the impact of foreign exchange, 
      or how the results are affected by the accounting 
      standards associated with the Corporation's stock-based 
      compensation plan. Investors should be cautioned, 
      however, that adjusted EBITDA should not be construed 
      as an alternative to net income and comprehensive 
      income determined in accordance with IFRS Accounting 
      Standards as an indicator of the Corporation's performance. 
      The Corporation's method of calculating adjusted EBITDA 
      may differ from that of other organizations and, accordingly, 
      its adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to that 
      of other companies. 
                Three months ended, December 31  Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)   2024       2023       % Change   2024     2023     % Change 
Net income            687      3,237     (79 %)    5,163   10,504     (51 %) 
Depreciation        2,300      1,898       21 %    8,781    7,076       24 % 
Finance costs         449        504     (11 %)    1,983    1,974        0 % 
Other income         (11)       (16)     (31 %)     (50)     (31)       61 % 
Income tax 
 expense              409          -         nm      409        -         nm 
Loss (gain) on 
 disposal               -        555         nm     (52)     (91)     (43 %) 
 payments             192         92      109 %    1,199    1,009       19 % 
 costs                (3)          2    (250 %)      105       31      239 % 
 (gain) loss         (47)         15    (413 %)     (63)        7  (1,000 %) 
 EBITDA             3,976      6,287     (37 %)   17,475   20,479     (15 %) 
nm - not 
(ii)   Gross margin - is defined as "Income from operations 
        before depreciation of property and equipment". Gross 
        margin is a measure that provides shareholders and 
        potential investors additional information regarding 
        the Corporation's cash generating and operating performance. 
        Management utilizes this measure to assess the Corporation's 
        operating performance. Readers should be cautioned, 
        however, that gross margin should not be construed 
        as an alternative to net income (loss) determined 
        in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards as an 
        indicator of the Corporation's performance. The Corporation's 
        method of calculating gross margin may differ from 
        that of other organizations and, accordingly, its 
        gross margin may not be comparable to that of other 
(iii)  Gross margin percentage - is calculated as gross margin 
        divided by revenue. The Corporation believes gross 
        margin as a percentage of revenue is an important 
        measure to determine how the Corporation is managing 
        its revenues and corresponding cost of sales. The 
        Corporation's method of calculating gross margin percentage 
        may differ from that of other organizations and, accordingly, 
        its gross margin percentage may not be comparable 
        to that of other companies. 
The following table reconciles the Corporation's income 
 from operations, being the most directly comparable 
 financial measure disclosed in the Corporation's financial 
 statements, to gross margin and gross margin percentage: 
                Three months ended, December 31  Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)   2024       2023       % Change   2024     2023     % Change 
Income from 
 operations         4,612      6,811     (32 %)   18,806   22,482     (16 %) 
 of property 
 and equipment      2,156      1,792       20 %    8,320    6,649       25 % 
Gross margin        6,768      8,603     (21 %)   27,126   29,131      (7 %) 
Gross margin %       33 %       40 %      (7 %)     33 %     34 %      (1 %) 
(iv)  Free cash flow - is calculated based on funds from 
       operating activities less maintenance and sustaining 
       capital, and interest and principal debt repayments. 
       The Corporation uses this measure to assess the discretionary 
       cash that management has to invest in growth capital, 
       asset acquisitions, or return capital to shareholders. 
       The Corporation's method of calculating free cash 
       flow may differ from that of other organizations and, 
       accordingly, its free cash flow may not be comparable 
       to that of other companies. The following table reconciles 
       the Corporation's funds from operating activities 
       to free cash flow. 
                Three months ended, December 31  Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)   2024        2023      % Change   2024      2023     % Change 
Funds from 
 activities          3,980     6,287     (37 %)    17,271   20,431    (15 %) 
 capital           (1,342)     (230)      483 %   (3,671)  (5,184)    (29 %) 
Interest paid 
 on Demand 
 Facility             (78)      (23)      239 %     (271)    (588)    (54 %) 
BDC principal            -         -         nm         -  (1,500)        nm 
Interest on              -         -         nm         -     (91)        nm 
BDC loan 
Term Loan 
 payments            (452)     (199)      127 %   (2,378)    (699)     240 % 
Interest on 
 Term Loan 
 Facility            (328)     (426)     (23 %)   (1,517)    (994)      53 % 
Total free 
 cash flow           1,780     5,409     (67 %)     9,434   11,375    (17 %) 
nm - not 


The Corporation uses supplementary financial measures that are not defined terms under IFRS Accounting Standards to provide useful supplemental financial information to investors.

(i)  Capital Expenditures -- management of the Corporation 
      uses a breakdown of capital expenditures to assess 
      the capital invested related to capital expenditures 
      at a more detailed level. Capital expenditures have 
      been split into two categories, growth capital, and 
      maintenance and sustaining capital. Growth capital 
      are expenditures incurred for the purposes of upgrading 
      existing equipment to improve operating efficiency 
      and marketability of the asset. Maintenance and sustaining 
      capital are expenditures related to maintaining the 
      current operational efficiency of the asset. The following 
      table shows the split of the two different types of 
      capital expenditures. The Corporation's method of 
      calculating capital expenditures may differ from that 
      of other organizations and, accordingly, its capital 
      expenditures may not be comparable to that of other 
      companies. The following table reconciles the Corporation's 
      total capital expenditures. 
                                        Year ended, December 31 
(000's CAD $)                           2024     2023     % Change 
Capital expenditures: 
Growth capital(1)                        10,971    9,271       18 % 
Maintenance and sustaining capital(1)     3,671    5,184     (29 %) 
Total capital expenditures               14,642   14,455        1 % 


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking statements or forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking information"). Forward-looking information relates to future events or the Corporation's future performance. All information other than statements of historical fact is forward-looking information. The use of any of the words "anticipate", "plan", "contemplate", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "propose", "might", "may", "will", "could", "should", "believe", "predict", and "forecast" are intended to identify forward-looking information.

This press release contains forward-looking information pertaining to, among other things: the Corporation's performance; expectations associated with the Corporation's outlook, including, among other things, anticipated commodity prices, the volatility thereof and potential mitigating factors and expectations about industry activities and the impacts thereof on the Corporation; the return of value to shareholders through the Corporation's NCIB program; the assessment of additional acquisition opportunities by the Corporation; and expected impacts of tariffs on the Corporation and the industry in which it operates.

Forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions that Stampede has made in respect thereof as at the date of this press release regarding, among other things: the Corporation's ability to fully crew and contract its rigs; that market conditions and growth prospects will permit the return of value to shareholders through the Corporation's NCIB program; the success of the measures implemented by the Corporation to ensure the safe, efficient and reliable operations at each of its drilling sites; the creditworthiness of the Corporation's customers and counterparties; the effectiveness of the Corporation's financial risk management policies at ensuring all payables are paid within the pre-agreed credit terms; that the Corporation's critical accounting estimates and judgments are reasonable; that the Corporation has adequate access to its credit facilities to provide the necessary liquidity needed to manage fluctuations in the timing of receipt and/or disbursement of operating cash flows; the condition of the global economy, including certain geopolitical risks; the stability of the economic and political environment in which the Corporation operates; the ability of the Corporation to retain qualified staff; management's ability to crew underutilized assets; the ability of the Corporation to maintain key customers; the ability of the Corporation to obtain financing on acceptable terms; the belief that the Corporation's principal sources of liquidity will be sufficient to service its debt and fund its operations and other strategic opportunities; the ability of the Corporation to obtain financing on acceptable terms; the ability to protect and maintain the Corporation's intellectual property; the Corporation's ability to maintain financial resiliency in light of current macroeconomic conditions; and the regulatory framework regarding taxes and environmental matters in the jurisdictions in which the Corporation operates.

Forward-looking information is presented in this press release for the purpose of assisting investors and others in understanding certain key elements of the Corporation's financial results and business plan, as well as the objectives, strategic priorities and business outlook of the Corporation, and in obtaining a better understanding of the Corporation's anticipated operating environment. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking information may not be appropriate for other purposes.

While Stampede believes the expectations and material factors and assumptions reflected in the forward-looking information is reasonable as of the date hereof, there can be no assurance that these expectations, factors and assumptions will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or events could differ materially from the expectations of the Corporation expressed in or implied by such forward-looking information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. All forward-looking information is subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to: the condition of the global economy, including trade, inflation, interest rates, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Middle East and other geopolitical risks, including the imposition of tariffs and other non-trade barriers; the condition of the crude oil and natural gas industry and related commodity prices; other commodity prices and the potential impact on the Corporation and the industry in which the Corporation operates, including levels of exploration and development activities; the impact of increasing competition; fluctuations in operating results; the ongoing significant volatility in world markets and the resulting impact on drilling and completions programs; foreign currency exchange rates; interest rates; labour and material shortages; cyber security risks; natural catastrophes; and certain other risks and uncertainties detailed under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in the Corporation's MD&A and under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Corporation's AIF, each dated March 13, 2025 for the year ended December 31, 2024, and from time to time in Stampede's public disclosure documents available at

This list of risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive. Readers are cautioned that events or circumstances could cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, forecasted, or projected. Statements, including forward-looking information, are made as of the date of this press release and the Corporation does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

SOURCE Stampede Drilling Inc.

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For further information, please contact: Lyle Whitmarsh, President & Chief Executive Officer, Stampede Drilling Inc., Tel: (403) 984-5042

Copyright CNW Group 2025 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 13, 2025 17:05 ET (21:05 GMT)



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