US Stocks & ETFs & OTC

$0  flat fee for four US or AU share trades per month for life.*
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Pass through fees and T&Cs apply.
flat fee to buy or sell up to 200 shares and USD 0.01 for every additional share after that per transaction.
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Pass through fees apply.
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Transaction Fee
Type Fees
≥1 share and ≤200 shares USD 2 flat fee
> 200 shares USD 0.01 / Share, or
1% × Trade Value (Min. USD 2)
The lesser of the two
Pass-through Fees
Type Fees
Settlement Fee USD 0.003 / Share
Max 7% × Trade Value
SEC Membership Fee (Charged for sell orders only) 0.0000278 × Trade Value
Min. USD 0.01 / Trade
FINRA Trading Activity Fee (Charged for sell orders only) USD 0.000166 / Share
Min. USD 0.01 / Trade
Max USD 8.30 / Trade


(1) Trading low-priced shares (e.g. share price less than USD 1) may carry high risk, including the risk of total loss and that of delisting. Investors should be cautious about buying or selling these shares.

(2) Settlement Fee is a pass-through fee charged by the US clearing agency and DTCC (US Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation) member TradeUP Securities Inc.

(3) SEC Membership Fee is a pass-through fee charged by SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) and is charged for sell orders only.

(4) FINRA Trading Activity Fee is a pass-through fee charged by FINRA (US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority).

(5) If there is any change in the fees charged by third parties such as exchanges and regulators, TFNZ will adjust the fees they charge on their behalf accordingly.

(6) For fractional share trading with trade volume less than 1 share, transaction fee is charged at 1% of Trade Value, capped at $1. There is no pass-through fees to apply. For fractional share trading with trade volume more than 1 share, normal US trading fees hereabove apply.

(7) The fees of the GTC(Good Till Cancel) Order will be calculated by the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be regarded as one order, while transactions on different trading days shall be regarded as different orders for calculating.

Other Service Fees
Type Fees
ADR Fee USD 0.01 - 0.05 / Share
Real-time Quotes Fee Free, subject to terms and conditions of related campaigns
Proxy Service Fee for Participating in the General Shareholders' Meetings USD 10 / Successful Application


(1) ADR (American Depositary Receipt) Fee is charged by DTCC for stocks of non-US companies listed in the US Clients who held such stock positions in a past cycle will be charged ADR fees as required, regardless of whether they have a current position or not. Please refer to Tiger Trade's push notifications for information on the cycle period. Clients who have not held any non-US company's shares will not be charged ADR fees.

(2) Interested clients may choose from two ways of general shareholders' meeting participation application: (i) Client or proxy participates; (ii) Client votes. Proxy Service Fee for Participating in the General Shareholders' Meetings will be refunded to the client in the event that the application is unsuccessful.

US Fractional Shares

Trade Volume Promotional Transaction Fee Transaction Fee Pass-through Fees
Less than 1 share $0*
for 4 trades every month for life
1% × Trade Value
Max USD 1 / Order
More than 1 share Transaction Fee is charged based on the fee schedule listed in US Stocks & ETFs.

ASX Stocks & ETFs

$0  flat fee for four US or AU share trades per month for life.*
Get started
Pass through fees and T&Cs apply.
flat fee to buy or sell up to AUD 20,000 trade value and 0.025% times trade
value after that per transaction.
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Pass through fees apply.
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Transaction Fee
Trade Value Fees
≤ AUD 20,000 AUD 5 flat fee
> AUD 20,000 0.025% × Trade Value
Pass-through Fees
Type Fees
Settlement Fee 0.03% × Trade Value


(1) The amount of a client's first buy order on an ASX listed company shares is required to be at least AUD 500 (known as "the minimum marketable parcel of shares").

(2) Settlement Fee is a pass-through fee charged by ASX Clear & Settlement Participants enabling Tiger’s ASX market access facilities offered to end customers.

(3) The fees above are GST inclusive.

(4) The fees of the GTC(Good Till Cancel) Order will be calculated by the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be regarded as one order, while transactions on different trading days shall be regarded as different orders for calculating.

New Zealand Stocks & ETFs

NZD 0.1% × trade value
Min. NZD 2 per order
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Pass through fees apply.
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Transaction Fee
Type Fees
Commission NZD 0.1% x Trade Value
Minimum NZD 2 / Order
Pass-through Fees
Type Fees
Platform Fee NZD 0.2% x Trade Value
Minimum NZD 2 / Order


(1) The pass through fee charged will be paid to the Participant that offers us market access facilities.

(2) The fees of the GTC (Good til Cancelled) Order will be calculated by the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be regarded as one order, while transactions on different trading days shall be regarded as different orders for calculating.

HK Stocks & ETFs

HKD 15
flat fee to buy or sell up to HKD 25,000 trade value and 0.06% times trade
value after that per transaction.
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Pass through fees apply.
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Transaction Fee
Trade Value Fees
≤ HKD 25,000 HKD 15 flat fee
> HKD 25,000 0.06% × Trade Value
Pass-through Fees
Type Fees
Trading Fee 0.00565% × Trade Value
Min. HKD 0.01 / Trade
Settlement and Delivery Cost
(i.e. HKSCC Clearing Fee)
0.002% × Trade Value
Min. HKD 2 and Max HKD 100 / Trade
SFC Transaction Levy 0.0027% × Trade Value
Min. HKD 0.01 / Trade
Stamp Duty 0.1% × Trade Value (Rounding up to the nearest integer)
Min. HKD 1 / Trade
AFRC Transaction Levy 0.00015% × Trade Value


(1) Trading Fee are pass-through fees charged by HKEX (Hong Kong Stock Exchange).

(2) Settlement and Delivery Cost is a pass-through fee charged by HKSCC (Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited).

(3) SFC Transaction Levy is a pass-through fee charged by SFC (Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission).

(4) Stamp Duty is a pass-through fee charged by IRD (Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department).

(5) AFRC Transaction Levy is a pass-through fee charged by AFRC (Accounting and Financial Reporting Council).

(6) The fees of the GTC(Good Till Cancel) Order will be calculated by the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be regarded as one order, while transactions on different trading days shall be regarded as different orders for calculating.

(7) Under normal circumstances, no stamp duty is levied when trading warrants, CBBCs, ETFs, and REITs, the full range of financial products where stamp duty is payable is determined by the Hong Kong Government.

Other Service Fees
Type Tiger Service Fee Tripartite Charges
Proxy Service Fee for Cash Dividend Payment 0.2% × Dividend Value
Min. HKD 30
Scrip Fee: HKD 1.5 / Lot
Proxy Service Fee for Stock Dividend Payment HKD 1 / Lot
Min. HKD 30
Scrip Fee: HKD 1.5 / Lot
Dealing with Rights Distribution on behalf 0.2% × Corporate Actions Related Fees
Min. HKD 30
Settlement Action Fee: HKD 0.8 / Lot
Dealing with Warrants, Callable Bull/Bear Contracts on behalf HKD 1 / Lot
Min. HKD 30
Settlement Action Fee: HKD 0.8 / Lot
Proxy Service Fee for Rights Distribution HKD 1 / Lot
Min. HKD 30
Scrip Fee: HKD 1.5 / Lot
Share Acquisition or Privatization 0.2% × Corporate Actions Related Fees
Min. HKD 30
Settlement Action Fee HKD 0.8 / Lot
Stamp Duty: 0.1% × Trade Value (Rounded up to the nearest integer)
Proxy Service Fee for Participating in the General Shareholders' Meetings HKD 50 / Successful Application


(1) The share quantity to which a Proxy Service Fee for Stock Dividend Payment applies will be calculated as 1 lot if it is smaller than 1 lot.

(2) Proxy Service Fee for Cash Dividend Payment will be the dividend value in the case that the dividend value < HKD 30.

(3) For corporate action services settled in USD and CNH, the minimum charge for tiger service fee is USD 3.8 and CNH 27.5.

(4) Interested clients may choose from two ways of general shareholders' meeting participation application: (i) Client or proxy participates; (ii) Client votes. Proxy Service Fee for Participating in the General Shareholders' Meetings will be refunded to the client in the event that the application is unsuccessful.

(5) The above price list is for reference only. Please refer to the actual charges for details. If you have questions, you can consult Customer Service.

China A-shares

CNH 0.06% × trade value
Min. CNH 15 per order
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Pass through fees apply.
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Brokerage Fees
Type Fees
Commission 0.03% × Trade Value
Min. CNH 7 / Order
Platform Fee 0.03% × Trade Value
Min. CNH 8 / Order
Pass-through Fees
Type Fees
Handling Fee 0.00341% × Trade Value
Securities Management Fee 0.002% × Trade Value
Settlement Fee 0.003% × Trade Value
Stamp Duty
(Charged for sell orders only)
0.05% × Trade Value
Dividend Tax 10% × Dividends and Bonuses


(1) Handling Fee is a pass-through fee charged by SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) and SZSE (Shenzhen Stock Exchange).

(2) Securities Management Fee is a pass-through fee charged by CSRC (China Securities Regulatory Commission).

(3) Settlement Fee is a pass-through fee charged by CSDCHK (China Securities Depository and Clearing (Hong Kong) Company Limited) and HKSCC (Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited).

(4) Stamp Duty is a pass-through fee charged by STA (China State Taxation Administration).

(5) Dividend Tax Rate on China A-shares through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect Northbound Trading Link (SEHK NTL) is 10%. This tax will be deducted by STA at the time of dividend payment.

(6) ETFs in Northbound Stock Connect are exempt from Securities Management Fees, and Stamp Duty, and the Handling Fee is 0.004% of the trade value, the Settlement Fee is 0.002% of the trade value. Other charges are the same as China A-shares.

(7) The fees of the GTC(Good Till Cancel) Order will be calculated by the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be regarded as one order, while transactions on different trading days shall be regarded as different orders for calculating.

Singapore Stocks & ETFs

SGD 0.12% × trade value
Min. SGD 3.5 per order
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Pass through fees apply.
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Brokerage Fees
Type Settlement Currency Fees Minimum
Commission SGD 0.06% × Trade Value SGD 3.5
Platform Fee / 0.06% × Trade Value /
Pass-through Fees
Type Fees
Trading Fee 0.0081% × Trade Value
Clearing Fee 0.035% × Trade Value


(1) Trading Fee is a pass-through fee charged by SGX (Singapore Stock Exchange).

(2) Clearing Fee is a pass-through fee charged by SGX (Singapore Stock Exchange).

(3) The fees of the GTC(Good Till Cancel) Order will be calculated by the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be regarded as one order, while transactions on different trading days shall be regarded as different orders for calculating.