Currency Pair | Fees |
NZD.USD | 0.35% |
NZD.AUD | 0.35% |
NZD.HKD | 0.55% |
NZD.CNH | 0.50% |
NZD.SGD | 0.50% |
NZD.JPY | 0.50% |
NZD.EUR | 0.50% |
NZD.GBP | 0.50% |
USD.AUD | 0.55% |
USD.HKD | 0.17% |
USD.CNH | 0.42% |
USD.SGD | 0.30% |
AUD.SGD | 0.55% |
AUD.CNH | 0.60% |
HKD.CNH | 0.58% |
SGD.CNH | 0.45% |
* Fees is per transaction basis and it is included in the exchange rate quoted to you.
* TFNZ reserves the right to, at any time, change or impose fees for the Services that we provide to you.