Bezhalel Machlis
President and Chief Executive Officer
Yuval Ramon
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Joseph Gaspar
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
David Block Temin
Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer and Senior Counsel
Edgar Maimon
Executive Vice President and General Manager - EW and SIGINT Elisra Division
Elad Aharonson
Executive Vice President and General Manager - ISTAR Division
Haim Delmar
Executive Vice President and General Manager - C4I and Cyber Division
Ilan Pacholder
Executive Vice President - Mergers and Acquisitions and Financing
Jonathan Ariel
Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
Ran Kril
Executive Vice President - International Marketing and Business Development
Shelly Gordon
Executive Vice President - Human Resources
Yehoshua Yehuda
Executive Vice President - Strategy and Chief Technology Officer
Yehuda Vered
Executive Vice President and General Manager - Land Division
Yoram Shmuely
Executive Vice President and General Manager - Aerospace Division
Zeev Gofer
Executive Vice President - Strategic and Business Development - North America