3) How do I certify my documents
If we notify you that your electronic verification checks failed, you will need to provide us with a certified copy of your overseas passport. We could also ask for certified documents if you intend to open a company or institution account with us.
In order for your certification to be accepted, it must be signed by a trusted referee, dated within the last three months, and include a “True copy statement” and “True likeness statement”. The trusted referee must provide his/her name, date of certification and in what category of certifier he/she falls.
We recommend the following sentence to be used as the certification statement:
“I certify this to be a true copy of the original, which I have sighted, and the photo represents a true likeness of [client’s name]”
The New Zealand Identity Verification Code of Practice lists who may act as a trusted referee, and we accept any one of the following of these:
- Member of the police
- Justice of the Peace
- Lawyer (as defined in the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006)
- Notary public
- New Zealand Honorary Consul
- Member of Parliament
- Chartered accountant (within the meaning of section 19 of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants Act 1996)
Please email the certified copy of your overseas passport to our client services team at
clientservices@tigerbrokers.nz. As soon as you have satisfied this last requirement, we will get your account up and running.