3) How do I certify my documents

If we notify you that your electronic verification checks failed, you will need to provide us with a certified copy of your overseas passport. We could also ask for certified documents if you intend to open a company or institution account with us.
In order for your certification to be accepted, it must be signed by a trusted referee, dated within the last three months, and include a “True copy statement” and “True likeness statement”. The trusted referee must provide his/her name, date of certification and in what category of certifier he/she falls.
We recommend the following sentence to be used as the certification statement:
“I certify this to be a true copy of the original, which I have sighted, and the photo represents a true likeness of [client’s name]”
The New Zealand Identity Verification Code of Practice lists who may act as a trusted referee, and we accept any one of the following of these:
  • Member of the police
  • Justice of the Peace
  • Lawyer (as defined in the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006)
  • Notary public
  • New Zealand Honorary Consul
  • Member of Parliament
  • Chartered accountant (within the meaning of section 19 of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants Act 1996)
You can find a list of Justices of the Peace (JPs) in your region on the following website: https://justiceofthepeace.org.nz/Page/Search. There is no charge for certify your documents with a JP.
Please email the certified copy of your overseas passport to our client services team at clientservices@tigerbrokers.nz. As soon as you have satisfied this last requirement, we will get your account up and running.
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