• Holding period return

Holding period return refers to the cumulative income generated by the fund's current holdings of fund shares, including floating profits and losses caused by NAV fluctuations, and historical cash dividend income generated during the period of holding the shares.

Calculation formula: Holding period return = current fund shares held *(the latest NAV of the fund - average holding cost) + historical dividend income during the holding period (if any).

The average holding cost will be adjusted according to the amount confirmed by the subsequent increase and decrease of positions.

  • Yesterday's return

Yesterday's return refers to the income of the fund on the previous trading day.

Yesterday’s return = end-of-day share of the day before yesterday * (net value of yesterday - net value of the day before yesterday)

If yesterday is the ex-dividend date (that is, the dividend distribution date)

Yesterday's return = end-of-day share of the day before yesterday * (net value of yesterday - net value of the day before yesterday) + dividend of yesterday *

* Yesterday’s dividend = shares held on the record date * dividend per unit share The record date refers to the specific date on which the investor claims the dividend. Ex-dividend date refers to the specific date when the portion of asset income to be distributed (i.e. dividend) is deducted from fund assets, and the net value of fund shares on the ex-dividend date will decrease.

The dividend distribution date is the date on which the dividend is distributed, and the cash dividend payment will be transferred out from the fund custody account to investors on the dividend distribution date.

  • Accumulated return

Accumulated return refers to the sum of all return generated since investing, including the fund income that has been redeemed previously, dividend income, etc.

Calculation formula = ∑ Fund account daily returns (that is, the daily returns of the fund account are accumulated day by day)

  • Money Market fund return

7D Average Yield of Ten Thousand Dollars

7D Average Yield of Ten Thousand Dollars is the average daily yield received within calendar days over past 7 dealing days when investing HKD/USD 10K into a specific fund.

 “Average Yield of Ten Thousand Dollars” = 10000*[ (adjusted-NAV on Day T /adjusted-NAV on Day T-7)-1]/ number of calendar days included during the past 7 dealing days

Risk warning: You should be cautious that investment involves risk, investors should read offering document for further details including the risk factors. Due to fluctuations in fund returns, historical performance does not represent actual returns in the future and it is for reference only. Even if the fund achieves positive returns, it does not imply desirable positive returns.

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