Est. Total Assets of Security are the sum of the net liquidation cash balance and total market value of securities.

Est. Total Assets of Security = total market value of securities + cash balance + accrued dividends - accrued interest

  Net liquidation cash balance = cash balance + accrued dividends - accrued interest

  Accrued dividends refer to cash or stock dividends that have not yet been paid to the account

  Accrued interest refers to interest that has not yet been deducted. Interest is generally calculated on a daily basis and settled on a monthly basis. It is usually deducted from the account within the first week of the following month.

Total value of securities is the sum of the total market value of securities held within the account

Funds in transit refer to the part of assets that are actually held but not yet settled, which are included in the total assets. The funds in transit will reduce the buying power of the account, but not the risk state.

The funds in transit occur when the transaction is not synchronized with the change of funds. For example, the funds have been deducted but stocks have not arrived, or vice versa.

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